• Velocity- and Positionmode
  • Integrated, high resolution encoder
  • Extended I/O interface
Product sheet Technical drawing
PCSi200x (670 KB) on request
PCSi 200  
Type   6540B
Voltage Logik UL Vdc 24
Voltage DC-Link UP Vdc 48
Nominal input current IN A 6,5
Maximum current IM A 12,3
Nominal velocity nN min-1 4000
Maximum velocity nmax min-1 4500
Nominal torque (S1) MN Ncm 53
Maximum torque Mmax Ncm 123
Nominal power (S1) PN W 222
Torque constant Ncm/A 7,4
Commutation   6-Pulse
Rotor inertia kgm2x10-4 0,51
Encoder resolution Inkr. 4096
Digital I/O interface   5 / 3
CANopen communication profile   CiA301
CANopen drives and motion profile   CiA402